Author: Peter Kuipers

Press release: ENKORO App for sharing memories of the deceased

[Königstein, 11.11.2024] – The ENKORO app is a very special application that allows the bereaved, friends and acquaintances to preserve and share memories of deceased people. The app is like a creative mosaic where photos, videos and personal memories are linked together to create a complete picture of a person’s life. This allows those close to the deceased to preserve and share memories together. The collected memories are displayed on an emotional timeline that traces the life story from the first day to the last.

A new way to remember

In times of deep grief and inevitable loss, it can be particularly difficult for the bereaved to process the complex thoughts and intense feelings they are experiencing. This emotional turmoil often makes it difficult to keep a clear head and put their grief into words. This is where the ENKORO app comes in, providing a unique and safe space where relatives, friends and acquaintances can share and record their memories of the deceased.
The app is not only extremely helpful for the bereaved, but is also ideal for the wider community of the deceased. Colleagues, neighbours and friends will also find a place in this community. They have the opportunity to share their own experiences and memories, enriching the overall picture of the deceased. This not only gives the bereaved a chance to work through their grief together, but also helps friends and acquaintances to express their own pain and grief in a supportive environment.

Not only does the app allow users to record their own experiences and memories, but they can also access stories, thoughts and contributions from other participants. This service encourages not only the sharing of feelings, but also the connection with others who feel similarly. The ability to like and comment on content creates an interactive, collaborative experience that allows users to find support and comfort in the digital community.
Through this collective process, a richer and more diverse picture of their loved one’s life emerges, going beyond the sad moments to highlight the joys and beautiful memories. This valuable support can accompany the healing process of the bereaved and help them to see the loss in a new light by including the stories and contributions of those around them as part of the memorial. In addition, friends and acquaintances are given the opportunity to share their own memories and feelings in this protected environment, further deepening understanding and connection within the community.

Easy to use and widely available

The ENKORO app has been successfully tested and approved for release on the two major platforms, Android and Apple. This means that the app can be downloaded free of charge from both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. To install the app, simply search for ‘ENKORO’ in the respective app store and download it to your smartphone with a single click.

Costs and financing model

The ENKORO app is free to use. However, a small fee is charged to ensure the long-term maintenance of a group. This is to secure the rights of use and the continuity of the reminders. These costs are not borne by each individual user. For example, the payment of one group member is sufficient to keep the group active. In this way, all other participants contribute to the maintenance of the group without having to make any payments themselves.
If desired, all group members can see who has paid to maintain the group. This transparency promotes trust within the group and allows members to share responsibility.

Functions of the ENKORO app

The ENKORO app is characterised by a user-friendly interface and numerous functions, including

  • Multimedia integration: users can add photos, videos and memories in various formats to keep the life of the deceased alive.
  • Sharing and collaboration: The app allows users to share content and collaborate on the memory. Friends and other family members can also contribute their perspectives and memories.
  • Timeline visualisation: The collected memories are displayed on a clear timeline that shows all the important events in the life of the deceased person.
  • Comments and likes: Each group member can react to the contributions of others and add their own memories.
  • Private and public settings: Group administrators can choose whether the group should only be visible to invited participants in order to work in a secure environment, or whether every user of the app can participate.

Heartwarming support in times of grief

With the ENKORO app, we want to create a space where people can preserve memories of a special person,’ explains Peter Kuipers of ENKORO. We are convinced that sharing memories can ease the grieving process and provide comfort. In an age where digital communication is ubiquitous, we want to use the benefits of technology for something valuable.
For more information about the ENKORO app, its features and how it can support the bereaved, please visit our website at

Press release for the ENKORO app: launch date set

[Königstein, 30.10.2024] – On Tuesday, 5th November 2024, the ENKORO app will be launched, an extraordinary application that enables the bereaved, friends and acquaintances to preserve and share memories of deceased people. The app works like a creative mosaic, connecting photos, videos and personal memories to create a complete picture of a person’s life. The collected memories are displayed on an emotional timeline that traces the life story from the first day to the last.

A new way to remember

In times of grief and loss, it can be difficult for the bereaved to process their thoughts and feelings. The ENKORO app provides a safe space where family, friends and acquaintances can share memories of the deceased. Users can not only enter their own experiences, but also view, like and comment on other participants’ content, creating a richer and more diverse picture of their loved one’s life.

Easy to use and widely available

The ENKORO app has successfully passed the tests of the two major platforms Android and Apple and has been approved for publication. This means that the app can be downloaded free of charge from both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store from 5 November 2024. To install the app, simply search for ‘ENKORO’ in the respective app store and download it to your smartphone with just one click.

Cost and funding model

The ENKORO app is completely free to use. However, in order to ensure the long-term maintenance of a group, small costs are incurred to secure the rights of use and the continuity of the reminders. These costs are not borne by each individual user; for example, the payment of one group member is sufficient to keep the group active. In this way, all other group members can benefit from participating in the maintenance of the group without having to make their own payments.
If desired, all group members can see who has paid to maintain the group. This transparency builds trust within the group and allows members to share responsibility.

Features of the ENKORO app

The ENKORO app is characterised by a user-friendly interface and numerous functions, including

  • Multimedia integration: Users can add photos, videos and memories in various formats to keep the life of the deceased alive.
  • Share and collaborate: The app allows users to share content and collaborate on the memory. Friends and family can also contribute their perspectives and memories.
  • Timeline visualisation: The collected memories are displayed on a clear timeline showing all the important events in the life of the deceased.
  • Private and public settings: Group administrators can choose whether the group should be visible only to invited participants, to work in a secure environment, or open to any user of the application.

Heartwarming support in times of grief

With the ENKORO app, we want to create a space where people can preserve memories of a special person,’ says Peter Kuipers of ENKORO. We believe that sharing memories can ease the grieving process and provide comfort. In an age where digital communication is ubiquitous, we want to use the benefits of technology for something valuable.
For more information about the ENKORO app, its features and how it can support the bereaved, please visit our website at

Press contact:

Peter Kuipers, Managing Director
Peloton Informationstechnologie GmbH 
+49 6196 524 39 33

Grief and Grief Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Grief is a profound and complex human emotion that can affect us all at different stages of life. The loss of a loved one can turn our lives upside down and often requires a long phase of grief management. In this extensive article, we aim to shed light on various aspects of grief, including funerals, grief support groups, and coping with grief, as well as useful resources such as online memorial sites and condolence messages.

Bereavement and Initial Steps

grief managementA bereavement often hits us unexpectedly and can put us into an emotional state of shock. The first steps after a bereavement are crucial to processing the pain and embarking on the path of grief management. Often, practical measures such as organizing a funeral or notifying relatives are the first actions that need to be taken.

The Role of the Funeral

A funeral serves to honor and remember the deceased. It allows family and friends to say goodbye together and offer mutual comfort. A funeral can be individually designed and often includes a eulogy as well as fitting condolence messages that reflect the life and personality of the deceased.

Eulogy: A Personal Farewell

A eulogy is often the central part of a funeral. It provides an opportunity to honor the life of the deceased, share personal memories, and put the pain into words. It is often helpful to write a eulogy together with other relatives to ensure that important aspects and shared experiences are included.

Condolence Messages: Words of Comfort

Condolence messages can play a significant role in grief management. They offer comfort and often new perspectives on the loss. There are many sources of condolence messages, including literary works, religious texts, and personal quotes. A well-chosen condolence message can be used in sympathy cards, the eulogy, or on an online memorial site.

Support Through Grief Groups

Coping with grief can be significantly eased by participating in grief support groups. In such groups, the bereaved can share their experiences and learn from the stories of others. Grief support groups provide a safe space to talk about feelings that might be suppressed in everyday life. They are an important part of grief management and help reduce the feeling of isolation.

Online Memorial Site: A Digital Place of Remembrance

In the digital age, online memorial sites have become valuable resources for grief management. Such sites allow for sharing memories and photos, leaving condolences, and honoring the deceased. They also provide the opportunity to organize and announce funerals and memorial events. Have a look at it could be just the thing for mourning the loss of a loved one.

Coping with Grief in Everyday Life

Coping with grief in daily life is a challenge for which there are no universal solutions. Everyone grieves differently, and it is important to find individual ways of managing grief. This may include conversations with friends and family, keeping a journal, or seeking professional help.

Professional Support: Therapists and Counselors

Sometimes grief is so overwhelming that professional support is needed. Therapists and counselors specializing in grief management can offer tools and techniques for dealing with grief and help find a positive path out of the pain.

Creative Ways of Grief Management

Creative forms of expression such as painting, writing, or music can also help in managing grief. They offer an outlet for emotions and allow the pain to be processed in a different way. Many people find comfort in creatively dealing with their loss.

Grief in Different Cultures

The way grief is perceived and expressed varies greatly between different cultures. It can be helpful to learn about different mourning rituals and practices to better understand one’s own grief processes and possibly open up new perspectives.

Long-term Grief Management

Grief management is a long-term process and does not end with the funeral or the first year after the loss. Many people experience grief in waves and only gradually return to normal life. It is important to take time and seek support whenever needed.


Grief and grief management are multifaceted processes that require patience and compassion. From the first moment of bereavement to the funeral and eulogy to the long-term engagement with the loss, there are many ways to process the pain and take steps towards healing. Grief support groups, online memorial sites, and professional help can offer valuable support. It is important to remember that grief is a natural part of life and that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve.

Closing Remarks

In times of loss, it is crucial to know that you are not alone. There are many resources and ways to assist in grief management. Every grief process is unique, and it is okay to seek help and support from others. May this guide provide you with comfort and assistance when you need it most.

#GriefManagement #Bereavement #Funeral #GriefSupportGroups #Eulogy #OnlineMemorialSite #CondolenceMessage #CopingWithGrief #GriefProcess #SayingGoodbye #GriefWork #MemorialPages #ProfessionalHelp #PetLoss #PainManagement #CreativeGriefManagement #GriefCulture #LongTermGrief #MourningRituals #GriefCounseling

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