This app is dedicated to my friend Baschar Al-Frangi. Baschar left this world far too early. He was such a talented person and could have achieved so much.
This app is dedicated to my friend Baschar Al-Frangi. Baschar left this world far too early. He was such a talented person and could have achieved so much.
Just install the app, create a group for a deceased person, invite others to the group and share pictures, videos and experiences.
You can create a lifeline together, from the first to the last day of this cherished person.
The ENKORO app is completely free of charge – with no hidden pitfalls, backdoors or subscription traps.
Download in Playstore and Appstore - keyword ‘ENKORO’
Installiere die App, gründe eine Gruppe für einen verstorbenen Menschen, lade andere in die Gruppe ein und teilt Bilder, Videos und Erlebnisse.
Erstellt gemeinsam eine Lebenslinie, vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag dieses geschätzten Menschen.
Nutzt die ENKORO-App komplett kostenfrei - ohne versteckte Fallstricke, Hintertürchen oder Abofallen.
Download in Playstore und Appstore - Stichwort 'ENKORO'